William March

:: 12/8/2017: AJAX, , USA
I'm surprised coniff knew The first letter of the English alphabet

:: 5/22/2013: mal irwin, Brisbane Qld, Australia
I remember an S&H photo @ 1969 caption of Bill March at the start of the second pull in the snatch. It said 'March applies momentum to increase boost'. I have never figured out if that is a contradiction; that in fact the acceleration of the second pull would 'increase boost'. Anyway his arms were already severely bent so may have actually 'wasted boost' later in the pull. Did Bill March ever press 400 lbs? Certainly was last of the 'military pressers' if nothing else.

:: 5/22/2013: john coniff, wheeling wv, usa
he was the original steroid kid. they have his script records at rexall pharmacy in york pa.he is not holier than thou. iat the 1973 sr. nationals he was the ' THE EQUIPMENT INSPECTOR'At the time I could not afford new w/l shoes.mine were very old.Well he stared at them then asked me if I should lift in them.he made a big stink about it. Mr big shot. finally after 10 min. of screwing around I was allowed to lift..what a phoney and a roid user.

:: 5/15/2013: Robert, Melbourne , Australia
Boy, John, you really seem to have it in for Tommy Kono, judging by your comments on several profile pages! I don't know what Tommy Kono took or didn't take but he is known worldwide not only as one of the all-time greats but also as a modest and humble man, liked by all who met him. Unlike a number of other lifters of that era, there's no great 'spike' in his results to indicate he got any great benefits from steroids. In '53 his lifts went up with his bodyweight but he only snatched 2.5kg more than he did as a lightweight a year earlier. In 1952, while the results show only a 140kg clean and jerk, he twice cleaned 155kg and just missed the jerks. Fairly standard improvement for a 22-year old moving up a weight class. Rest assured whatever was available to the Americans in 1953-54, was also available to the Russians. Compare that with Vorobyev's improvement at the age of 29, when he went up to 90kg in 1954 after being 82.5kg all of his career and added 30kg to his total in less than a year. Tommy beat all comers, including Russians, until 1960 when a younger Kurinov got ahead of him.

:: 5/11/2013: john coniff, wheeling wv, usa
kono was the ORIGINAL STREROID BOY 1953

:: 1/28/2011: Alfonso A. Rodriguez, Palm Bay FL, United States
I agree with Mr. Ohearn 100%. He was also one of the original steroid boys and he trained mostly with a power rack with static movements. He was very stiff with poor flexibility. Strength wise, he was probably as strong as anyone in the world but that is no eneough since he could not project his streng I saw him in person once in the summer of 1969 in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico during the 'Tournament of the Americas'. He lifted as a 242 pounder and pressed 380 lbs military style, power snatch 319 lbs and C&J 424 LBS. He raked up 440lbs which slipped off downward of his right shoulder while in the squat positon, pushed it back onto the shoulder and stood up but failed the Jerk. Had he had more flexibility he could have been an Olympic champion in Tokyo '64 but it was not in his physical make up and he never had a decent coaching with really advance techniques like the Europeans at the time. Olympic lifting has never been a brute strengh sport alone, you need a bit of finesse. He should have been a power lifter instead. He stayed well below his potential as an Olympic weightlifter.

Bill March was all strength and no style. No body ever showed him the proper way to lift. With better style he could have been a multi world champion.

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